By Estacio Valoi
The situation has worsened after the announcement by presidential candidate Venâncio Mondlane about his arrival in Mozambique today
The local Newspaper Canal de Moçambique wrote at the last minute that Filipe Nyusi ordered the closure of all roads leading to the Presidency of the Republic and Ponta Vermelha. Since the demonstrations against electoral fraud began, the Military House decided to block all roads leading to the Presidency of the Republic and Ponta Vermelha.
There are blockades on all the streets and avenues leading to Julius Nyerere. An absolutely insane security cordon has been set up that, instead of providing security for Filipe Nyusi, is bringing indignity to citizens and the State. The blockade begins at the intersection of Julius Nyerere Avenue and Mao Tsé Tung Avenue, at the offices of the Ombudsman, at the intersection of Julius Nyerere Avenue and Kwame Nkrumah Avenue, at the official residence of the President of the Assembly of the Republic. At the intersection of Julius Nyerere Avenue and João de Barros Avenue, which leads to the headquarters of the Secret Service.
The intersection between António Bocarro and Damião de Giós avenues, which leads to the French embassy, is also blocked. The intersection area of Praça do Destacamento Feminino, just after the French embassy, is also blocked, hindering the operation of a bank and a famous restaurant. From Praça do Destacamento Feminino, the beginning of Rua José Craveirinha, which leads to the South Beach/Radisson roundabout, is also blocked. Rua 1253, which starts at the traffic lights at Praça do Destacamento Feminino and continues to the waterfront behind the Presidency of the Republic, is also blocked. Rua Bernabé Thawé, which provides access to the official residence of the ambassadors of Brazil and Rwanda, is also blocked. This is the road that separates Julius Nyerere, the Presidency of the Republic grounds and the State Protocol Office in the area of the former Miramar television station. In the Ponta Vermelha area, Rua do Farol, which passes through the viaduct, just after the Ministry of Defense, is also blocked.
The once windy corridors of free movement, of acacia trees rooted in the morning whisper of the sun, of the sea with its loose waves, of smiling walks, of gardens where the birdsong echoed, today the corridors have been obliterated, transformed into advanced points of protection for the presidential bunker where Filipe Jacinto Nyusi is suffocating with his dictatorial apparatus spread across the main arteries of the city of acacia trees that lead to his lair. The avenues and streets have been transformed into trenches with elite troops from the military house and all possible security areas armed with weapons of war of all sizes, as well as military personnel of all sizes with their BTRs, rocket launchers, bazookas, RPGs, even dressed in stealth uniforms to fight, kill their own people with live ammunition, and torture.
The chaos created by the Presidency of the Republic in the name of Filipe Nyusi’s security
In Maputo, the citizens of that city are living days of ordeal without free movement to get to their jobs or return to their homes and, based on the CM’s experience, a journey that used to take a few minutes now takes more than a couple of hours. “From the Costa do Sol Restaurant to the Praça do Destacamento Feminino, it is normally a stretch that can be done in 10 minutes. But drivers are taking three to four hours. From the Destacamento Feminino to Praça dos Combatentes, known as “Xiquelene”, which normally takes 5 minutes, now takes two or three hours.”
Even so, the wind cannot be held back or stopped with one’s hands, the people in their popular uprising. Nyusi, from the den of ‘thieves’, no longer smells the aroma of acacias, but rather the smell of tire smoke that has covered the skies of Mozambique since October 21, 2024, until today.
From caves all over the country, metal-armed rags have emerged, spitting bullets at defenseless people, around 400 murdered, around 600 injured, others tortured, kidnapped, intimidated and left without fear of anything! The wind blows, changing direction, into the bunker, the den of ‘thieves’, fear and panic have set in!
Other people are hunted by death squads, part of the security apparatus of the Frelimo military regime, armed with pistols, AKM-47s, the GOE, UIR, SERNIC. Protection with the support of the “friends of Rwanda”, the Mozambican elite forces formed with money from the European Union, which are no longer in the northern operational theater in the province of Cabo Delgado to fight terrorists in the province, but on the avenues of Maputo protecting the dictatorial regime and its leader.
The regime never tired of creating more entertainment. Filipe Jacinto Nyusi called the parties that “do not accept the results of the Constitutional Council” with seats in Parliament but that will take office in the next Assembly of the Republic for a meeting one hour after Venâncio Mondlane arrived at Mavalane Airport Qatar flight that arrived at 08:05, already at Maputo airport, thus trying to dodge the less attentive ones who are almost non-existent, both among Mozambicans and the international community who even tried to stay with the aircraft of the country of the ‘brother-in-law’! In other words, shaken by the fear that turned against the wizard. (Moz24h)