Tete Social Affairs summons staff to Frelimo candidate’s wife’s 6am arrival
Tete Provincial Social Affairs department said Monday that “all staff” should be at Tete airport at 06.00 tomorrow (Wednesday, 11 September) to “greet Mama Gueta Chapo”, the wife of Frelimo Presidential candidate Daniel Chapo. She is travelling as part of his campaign.
With no teachers, more children join election campaigns
The picture above shows children in the Mecanhelas, Niassa, in the Frelimo election campaign. The other main parties – Frelimo, Renamo, MDM and PODEMOS – also have children campaigning.
Anger at closed schools
Frelimo members illegally campaigning on the premises of the Nampula Industrial Institute were shouted down by students, as shown in this video. Students opposed this call to support Frelimo, and a noisy row broke out. One student accused Frelimo of deceiving the citizens for the past 49 years. https://youtu.be/iQlzi0ZUA2A?si=xItd_MNxRSl_tSYZ
In Homoine on Monday (9 September) teachers cancelled classes in order to support the Frelimo presidential candidate, Daniel Chapo. But parents and pupils were angry, and demanded that teachers prioritise their school duties instead of becoming involved in political activities. https://youtu.be/ZkD7Go-tTKo?si=IaJNQ5eOkpBsJAPO
There were no classes in a large number of schools in the districts near Maxixe, Inhambane, on Monday as teachers were at the reception for the Frelimo candidate, Daniel Chapo. There were schools closed in Morrumbene, Inhambane City, Homoine, Massinga, Jangamo, Panda and Inharrime.
Alto Molocue transfers cancelled but pressure remains
Four teachers from the Alto Molócuè Teacher Training Institute, Zambézia, have resumed their teaching activities after the cancellation of transfer orders issued because they did not participate in the election campaign.
Pupils of the Alto Molócuè secondary school and trainees of the Teacher Training Institute say they are appalled at the pressure exerted by teachers to participate in events, wearing Frelimo clothing. They also say they are obliged to accompany any visit by Frelimo members to Alto Molócuè district. Pupils says teachers are threatening them with failure if they continue to resist participation in these events.
STAE contracted staff in Niassa demand unpaid expenses
everal contracted staff are accusing the Niassa provincial STAE of failing to pay them expenses owing from the voter registrations of 2023 and 2024. The Provincial Elections Commission says it is aware of the case, and is advising STAE to give the staff what is owing to them.
These are staff from the STAE data processing centre who travelled to the districts to do their work, but whose expenses have not yet been paid.
Taibo António, the deputy head of the Elections Operations Department in Niassa, says that in last year’s elections, the staff went to the districts in the province to do their voter registration work without any payment of their expenses. The same is happening this year.
After three months of work, the staff, feeling the delay in payments for 2023 and 2024, contacted Niassa Provincial STAE and have not received any satisfactory answer. “So far we are not sure whether the Director-General is aware of the situation, since we have discovered that everything we claimed has not been reported to STAE-Central. The financial head of the institution said that he drew up a list of all the debts and sent it to Maputo. But that was a lie, because he only delivered the documents last month“
Uísque Mário, one of the staff who has not been paid, says that when they appeal to the STAE Director, he says he takes no responsibility for the debts.
“CIP Eleições” has tried, without success, to contact Niassa provincial STAE to find out what happened to prevent the staff from being paid for the 2023 and 2024 voter registration.
For his part, Xavier Waceda, Chair of the Niassa Provincial Elections Commission, says he is aware that the staff have requested payment of an expense, which has so far not been paid.
“The STAE management recognizes that the work was done outside of the period proposed for the staff to remain in the districts with municipalities during the registration, because the reality on the ground required that they stay, according to the intervention of the STAE director. The STAE management recognizes that the staff are entitled to demand this payment”. Waceda said he has also advised the Director to find a peaceful mechanism for making the payment.
Armed and plain clothes police temporarily halt the MDM campaign
The campaign of the head of the MDM list in Inhambane, Joana Majenje, was interrupted for 25 minutes because MDM security distrusted an individual in plain clothes who was following Majenje’s movements in the markets of Massinga town. Intervention by the head of operations of the PRM was necessary to explain that the individual in question is a member of the police force sent, in a disguised way, to strengthen Majenje’s security. After this, calm returned.
Three detained for violence in Dondo
Three people are detained in the District Police Command in Dondo, Sofala, accused of violence against members of the MDM, in the Central and Thundane neighbourhoods. The individuals are also accused of vandalising propaganda material.
The detentions occurred last week, said José Mabae, the MDM spokesperson in Dondo. The head of operations of the Mozambican police (PRM) in Dondo confirmed they continue in police custody.
The three accused are all young. One is accused of knifing a member of the MDM in the arm in the Central neighbourhood. The other two vandalised propaganda material and then attacked and bit the testicles of an MDM member who fainted, in Thundane neighbourhood.
Currently, the two members of the MDM are hospitalised, one in Beira Central Hospital and one in the Dondo health centre.
The PRM in Dondo said that everything indicates that the three youths detained are Frelimo members They will be tried later in September.
Báruè, Manica. The Barue district delegate of Podemos has denounced an assault against the delegate of the Nhampassa administrative post and a ban on flying the party’s flag. The assault was committed on Monday (9 September) by the local community leader.
Mocímboa da Praia. The Podemos political delegate in Mocímboa da Praia, who disappeared a week ago, reappeared on Sunday (8 September) and contacted his family. He is in Nangade, in the military barracks of the Tanzanian force. He says he tried to reach Nangade through a safer route, but ended up in the Tanzanians’ barracks.
Special report: 25 years electoral fraud is on https://bit.ly/Moz-El-Fraud