Stories from News Reporters in Africa
The book entitled Why Journalism about stories behind and reports by journalists in Africa over the years portraying what has been happening on the continent, are unpublished stories mostly of reports made from Africa to the world.
In the book’s preface, KAS Media Africa director, Christoph Plate, notes the waning interest in journalism as a serious career option for many young people across the world.
Edited by Kenyan veteran journalist, Joseph Odindo, the 14 writers from countries such as Tanzania como Frank Sanga, Gisele Kahimbani da Republica Democratica de Congo, Estacio Valoi de Mocambique, Idris Akinbanjo da Nigeria, Gwen Lister da Namibia, Francois N. N’Guessan da Costa do Marfim, Stella Mbuh dos Camaroes , Berna Namata do Reanda, Albert Sharra do Malawi, Haimanot Ashenafi da Etiopia, Mohamed Ibrahim Bulbul Somalia , Simon Allison Africa de Sul Africa, Dennis Okari Kenya, Fasika Tadesse, Etiopia. share pivotal moments that set them on their paths into illustrious, and sometimes dangerous careers in journalism.
The launch at the Wits Club brought together friends of KAS Media Africa, the editor, as well as one of the book’s authors. The event also served as a send-off for Plate, who for almost 6 years, has led KAS Media Africa.
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