The CNE today announced total registration figures and admitted that they include 878,868 registered voters that the National Statistics Institute (INE) says cannot exist. That means 5% of total voters are fake – the result of an organised criminal action.
One-third of all Gaza voters are fake, and this gives Gaza 6 extra seats in parliament. In Inhambane 11% of voters are fake, according to the CNE’s own statistics. This gives Inhambane 1 extra seat. These seven seats are taken one each from Maputo City, Sofala, Manica, Tete, Nampula and Niassa.
The highly respected INE gave STAE estimates of voting age adults in each province and district, based on recent census data and local growth rates. But CNE approved the registration of 878,868 voters whon INE says cannot exist..
Gaza votes overwhelmingly for Frelimo, so these are 7 extra Frelimo seats in parliament – achieved simply by fake registration numbers.
The table below attempts to correct a false impression given by the official CNE data today. Fake voters are not evenly distributed across the country. Indeed only 7 provinces registered more voters than people. So the table below separated the fake voters for each province and adds them up, giving nearly 900,000. The CNE today did not release data by district, but using internal STAE numbers we find 89 districts with 1.2 million extra voters, which we showed last week in bulletin 268.